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2025-02-22 12:30:38



ˮΪһּߵطɫƷĻϲߵϲ  IJˮеճһصĵĻ  IJˮŸصÿһˮصķ  ˮĻ˼նվ̲˸ܵ͸ 

ĽͷβˮӰ洦ɼ  ÿһҲ�ԼصIJˮͲݳЩ  ˮ䴿ɽȪˮ͵ȻΪҶṩõ  ҶϴɽľʹÿһڲˮȻĸʴ 

ˮŨıɫ  طIJˮIJˮƫ¡ϸһĿڸ  վɶյ糿һˮܴ޾ů  ˶ԲˮϲǵճЩÿͥԼһƲҶ  ˮطҲ˴οǰƷ 

ƷˮʱIJҶͰն衢͵̲  նʷĻ侰Ƴ͵̲˱Ǻ͸ڸӮ˹㷺ĺ  ŨҵնվµĵƷдһĵɿ 

The tea water of Kunming (ˮ) is more than just a drinkits a deep cultural experience. Local tea shops often create a welcoming atmosphere where visitors can try different kinds of tea, learning about its significance in the region. Through various tea ceremonies and performances, Kunming tea water culture comes alive, letting you experience the essence of local traditions and customs.

ˮڸڱ󸻺Ļ  ÿһֲҶԼĹÿһˮ̺ŨŨ  ˮ˴͵ѡճۻվɽˮתŨζ  ˳˵òˮסҲˮĻľ 

Dzˮʵϲվ״νӴˮοҵԼһ  IJˮǿڸϵǾϵɿ  Kunming tea water gives you an opportunity to not just drink, but to embrace a slower pace of life, connecting with nature and people alike. The tea drinking ritual is an integral part of life in Kunming, and it helps people find peace amidst the bustle of daily life.

ÿһˮƬصӰഫĻ  վϸ׷IJˮڲļںչֳصζ  ˮſһõĸйҲ˸ܵů 

޷ƷһˮĻ  οվIJˮҵԼǷ  ˮܹܹΪÿһÿʼ 

ˮ #KunmingTeaWater #ϲĻ

ǩŮ Ч͵



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